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Franco Maria Ricci
Signs of Man

Il Cavaliere Inesistente

Il teatro di ferro di Ferdinando d'Asburgo

Italo Calvino. Texts by Italo Calvino, Christian Beaufort-Spontin
1994 / 164 PAGES. Language: Italian edition
The tale Il cavaliere inesistente (“The Non-existent Knight”) by Italo Calvino, belonging to his trilogy known as “Our Ancestors”, is presented side by side with Ferdinand of Austria’s armour collection.
Readers are already familiar with the narrative merits and keen irony of Calvino’s novel, which relates the buffoonish adventures of two of Charlemagne’s paladins. This exquisite volume presents the novel in a new guise, side by side with the magnificent armours of Ferdinand of Austria: “empty warrior shells” that mirror the vanitas belli scene staged by Calvino himself.