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Franco Maria Ricci Editore

Cielo e inferno

Jorge Luis Borges and Adolfo Bioy Casares. Texts by Roger Caillois, Jorge Luis Borges and Adolfo Bioy Casares
1972 / 272 PAGES
Borges and Bioy Casares present a vast, hedonistic and subjective collection of the images that men have made of those ulterior universes where punishments and rewards are destined for the dead.
Cielo e inferno [Heaven and Hell], in a fascinating haphazard way combines fragments of sacred texts with accounts by visionary mystics, poetic figurations by writers and accurate and no less imaginative speculations by philosophers and theologians, mixing the ancient and modern, faith and scepticism, gravity and humour. The reader will be enchanted by the paradise of Valhalla, where the warriors who died in battle every morning arm themselves, fight, die and are reborn, and the seven-storey hell of the Thousand and One Nights, one above the other and a thousand years apart. But, above all, the tenaciously earthly skies imagined by writers such as Charles Lamb or Miguel de Unamuno or Mark Twain, to whom we owe this lapidary description: “Wheresoever she was, there was Eden”, will forever go down in memory. As the brief Prologue augurs, moreover, "Who knows whether our volume might let us glimpse the millenary evolution of the concepts of heaven and hell: starting with Swedenborg, we think of states of the soul and not of one place for rewards and another for punishments".
Le religioni, essendo il supporto e la garanzia delle regole che definiscono il bene e il male, hanno quasi sempre congetturato un mondo doppio e simmetrico: in luoghi complementari e opposti i malvagi espiano le loro colpe in mezzo ai tormenti, mentre i giusti godono di eterne delizie. Petizione di principio, di fatto ingannevole: perché l'Inferno è sempre vario, sorprendente, spettacolare, parossistico, - insomma personalizzato; il Cielo immancabilmente monocromo, monocorde, monotono - e anonimo. Sembra che il Cielo non interessi i vivi. Vi si gustano, è vero, gioie ineffabili, ma ineffabile è una delle parole che richiedono minor immaginazione.
Franco Maria Ricci Editore
Franco Maria Ricci Editore