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Franco Maria Ricci Editore

Casa Farnese

Caprarola, Roma, Piacenza, Parma

Text by Ingeborg Walter e Roberto Zapperi, Bertrand Jestaz, Michel Hochmann, Stefano Pronti, Marzio Dall'Acqua. Introduction by Luciano Silingardi
1994 / 232 PAGES. Language: Italian
The book is dedicated to the prestigious residences of the Farnese family built in Caprarola, Rome, Parma and Piacenza, buildings in which the skills of the greatest artistic personalities of the time are condensed.
Michelangelo, Antonio da Sangallo the Younger, Titian, Vignola, the Zuccaris and the Carraccis: these are just some of the great artists who contributed to the Farnese residences in Caprarola, Rome, Parma and Piacenza, which in the eyes of scholars represent cases of successful collaboration between artists who sometimes differed from each other, but whose results achieved a harmonious synthesis. An introduction on the history of the Farnese family, edited by Ingeborg Walter and Roberto Zapperi, is followed by four sections devoted to the four buildings covered in this study, accompanied by photographs of the architectural, sculptural and pictorial elements of each.